What in the World is the
Pryor Creek Nature Trail?

The Pryor Creek Nature Trail is a trail along Pryor Creek for walking and bicycling. The first phase, about 3 miles of trail south of Pryor, is nearing completion. The trail is primarily on federal land managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Who is building this trail?
The trail is being funded entirely by private donations. The project is being managed by the Leaf Collector Foundation, a local charitable foundation.

Who will maintain the trail?
The Leaf Collector Foundation has agreed to ensure the maintenance of the trail for at least 5 years.

Who is the trail for?
The trail is open to anybody. Motor vehicles are not allowed on the trail.

What is the trail like?
The trail is essentially a 6-foot wide cleared path. There is no pavement or gravel at this time. There are a few footbridges across creeks. The trail is easy for walking or jogging, and is good for mountain bikes. The trail is a little rough for road bikes. There will be 1/2 mile markers and signs at intersections. A half-mile educational nature loop is also planned.

Where are the trailheads?
We currently have authorization to access the trail at 4 trailheads, 3 of which are complete. The trailheads are on Elliott and on Oakwood Road south of Pryor. We would like to add trail access directly from Pryor.

Doesn't that area flood?
Yes. Parts of the trail are underwater 3-4 times in a typical year. The drainage is pretty good for most of the trail, and it usually passable within 2-3 days after the water goes down. It is possible that sections of the trail may have to be rerouted to avoid wet spots, and there will be some boardwalks built if necessary.